Sunday 16 January 2011


Last summer I finally got my allotment at our local plot after being on the waiting list for a year. I got Plot No.39. The plot was a brand new plot so not established. The digging was hard work (and I still haven't finished) digging up old window frames, aspestos roof tiles (the 'safe kind' we are told), massive concrete slabs, a taxi driver's ID pass, marbles, flints flints flints, massive roots, you name it we found it. Unfortunately nothing valuable. Basically, our local council just bulldozed everything in sight (there were previous allotments there years ago but had grown over with brambles etc...) and turned in back into the ground that was really helpful.

In terms of planning and having an organised looking plot, I was unsuccessful, as wasn't expecting to get one so hadn't prepared enough seedlings etc... just enough for the garden and I needed to dig over before planting anything. However, it was a great year for learning - as grew things I hadn't grown before, cabbages, sprouts, runner beans etc..., learnt new techniques (I was very proud of my runner bean wigwam) and have become more resourceful (often looking at rubbish thinking, hmm, could that thing be used in my allotment??!) and had lots of lovely vegetables to eat - even if some of my courgettes were round and my carrots maybe a bit phallic! So looking at those things, a fab success.

SO, I thought I would start fresh this year from January, having a full year to plan what I want to grow and BE ORGANISED! The best way to plan out my time and assist with next years growing was to keep some sort of diary which I can update photos etc... so this seemed the best option for me!

About me  -

I am in my 20s, I enjoy allotmenting and baking and have just started to knit so I may sometimes go off track, i'll apologise in advance! Oh and I called the blog 'Courgettes and Cupcakes' as Courgettes were the first thing I grew so where my love for this started and it was a running joke with my family a couple of years ago - as with all people that grow veg I am sure, "we're having courgette AGAIN?!". And the Cupcake part, because I just love baking cupcakes. As simple as that!


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