Monday 17 January 2011

Skip Searching...

This is something that all allotment holders need to master - searching through rubbish. Today I drove into the carpark and it was like seeing money. Planks of wood in a skip (vegetable beds?), a bath (attractive feature??) small bits of wood (marking out patches??) doors (urm, clutching at straws here...) but anyway lots of stuff that I could use at Plot 39- FOR FREE!!

However, I have not YET got to the cheeky stage yet of just taking things without asking so I am waiting to speak to one of the builders with a sweet smile. Fingers crossed!



  1. Bath tub, lucky you! Have you thought of growing parsnips or something in it?

    Good to know someone else is nervous about diving through skips. I'm always seeing stuff I'd like, walking on past, and later wishing I'd gone and got it!

    Jono, Real Men Sow.

  2. Ooh what a fab idea with the parsnips!

    It makes me feel nervous - even though it is being thrown out. I definitely need to man up!

  3. Funnily enough, since I commented on this a near neighbour had a skip outside their house with a bathtub in it. I'm now deliberating whether I have enough room for it...

    Shall I or shan't I??

  4. You definitely should. How will you transport it secretly though?! Or will you do the correct thing and ask?

  5. I'll ask. Its only a small street, I don't think I'd get away with dragging it out of the skip and into my house!
