Saturday, 19 February 2011


So the main horrid bugs that annoyed me last year...

Cabbage White Butterfly:
Before I started growing Brassicas (last year) I didn't know anything about a Cabbage White Butterfly, don't be fooled by the word butterfly! They lay these disgusting eggs on your cabbages which will hatch into caterpillars and get right into the centre - another living thing that I used to think was cute - but NO MORE I TELL YOU after they destroyed my cabbages, before I realised I needed to cover them with netting! All a learning curve I kept telling myself. However, they did still get to my Brussel Sprouts through net. Genius these creatures. Hence my previous post how companion planting will help me get through this. Fingers crossed!

I haven't liked slugs in a long time to be honest, probably why I used to eat them as a young child, knowing they would be attacking my vegetables on my allotment in years to come. But now I hate them even more. My problem last year was finding HUGE ones feasting on my young in my greenhouse. I would check on plants coming along nicely ready to plant outside, then go back the following day to a slime covered stump. I tried cups of beer, egg shells and slug pellets around my green house in dishes. This wasn't completely successful. But it did look like I had committed a Snail/Slug massacre in a patch in my garden on some flowers. So this year I will try some Sage as well (as mentioned in prev post) and continue with beer/netting on some and egg shells.


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