Sunday, 20 February 2011

Yes no rain!

No rain today which meant I could get up the allotment. I had plans in the morning so got up there about 1pm and felt quite focused. Had a check of my rhubarb and this is coming along nicely.

Firstly I planted my gooseberry and blackcurrant bushes that Mum bought from the pound shop (my gifts only ever consist of allotment goods as of May last year). They were already sprouting leaves so should grow well, my others look slightly dead though but may grow?!

Then I dug over my patch for my shallots and planted some of those bulbs. Unfortunately, a few were mouldy so couldn't plant them all. I might have to buy some more as think I only planted about 20 in the end.

The third job was to move some tubing and netting to my vegetable beds ready for when my cabbages and red cabbages go in there, won't be for a while but just preparing and tidying.

I then pulled the last of my cabbages which were destroyed by slugs and caterpillars, but I had left them there to stop weed growth and fill the space - maybe a little bit of laziness too. I then dug over those bits and covered them with some black sheeting.

Next I attacked the weed 'patch' at the bottom of my plot that I have been meaning to do for a long time. They were all dead and easy to pull up just alot of work! Really pleased I have finished that bit though as it has been annoying me for a long time.

Here you can see the epic patch I dug today. Far left my netting with the tubing. This picture makes my plot look a bit of a mess but was pretty happy with it when I left today. So think past the photo!

Pretty successful day for me!

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